AppleがiPhoneやiPadなど向けiOS 15.7.4とiPadOS 15.7.4をリリース! |
Appleは27日(現地時間)、iPhoneおよびiPod touch向けプラットフォーム「iOS」とiPad向けプラットフォーム「iPadOS」において前バージョン「iOS 15」や「iPadOS 15」の最新版「iOS 15.7.4(19H321)」および「iPadOS 15.7.4(19H321)」を提供開始したとお知らせしています。
変更点はともに重要なセキュリティーアップデートが含まれているとしており、iOS 15.7.4およびiPadOS 15.7.3ともにCVEに登録されている16個の脆弱性が修正されており、同社ではこれらのうちの一部の脆弱性が悪用された可能性があるという報告について把握しているということです。
対象機種はiOS 15やiPadOS 15の対応機種となっており、iPhoneシリーズおよびiPod touchシリーズ、iPadシリーズともにiOS 16やiPadOS 16に対応した製品についてはiOS 15.7.4やiPadOS 15.7.4へのソフトウェア更新を選べなくなっています。
そのため、iOS 15.7.4・iPadOS 15.7.4はiOS 16およびiPadOS 16の対象機種ではないiPhone 6sやiPhone 6s Plus、iPhone 7、iPhone 7 Plus、iPhone SE(第1世代)、iPad Air 2、iPad mini 4向けとなります。なお、iOS 16およびiPadOS 16の対象機種には最新の「iOS 16.4」および「iPadOS 16.4」が提供開始されています。
Appleでは昨年に提供開始したiOS 15およびiPadOS 15から一定期間は次の最新バージョンに更新せずに既存のバージョンに留まる機能を提供しており、iOS 16の提供開始に合わせてiOS 15でもセキュリティーアップデートを行ったiOS 15.7およびiPadOS 15.7が提供され、その後、さらにiOS 15.7.1・iPadOS 15.7.1やiOS 15.7.2・iPadOS 15.7.2、iOS 15.7.3・iPadOS 15.7.3が提供されていましたが、今回、さらなるセキュリティーアップデートを行う15.7.4およびiPadOS 15.7.4が配信開始されています。
更新は対象機種において本体のみでOTA(On-The-Air)によりダウンロードで行え、方法としては、「設定」→「一般」→「ソフトウェア・アップデート」から行うほか、iTunesをインストールしたパソコン(WindowsおよびMac)とUSB-Lightningケーブルで接続しても実施できます。なお、単体でアップデートする場合のダウンロードサイズは手持ちのiPhone 7 PlusでiOS 15.7.3からだと207.2MBとなっています。Appleが案内しているアップデートの内容およびセキュリティーコンテンツの修正は以下の通り。
iOS 15.7.4
iPadOS 15.7.4
iOS 15.7.4 and iPadOS 15.7.4
Released March 27, 2023– Accessibility
Available for: iPhone 6s (all models), iPhone 7 (all models), iPhone SE (1st generation), iPad Air 2, iPad mini (4th generation), and iPod touch (7th generation)
Impact: An app may be able to access information about a user’s contacts
Description: A privacy issue was addressed with improved private data redaction for log entries.
CVE-2023-23541: Csaba Fitzl (@theevilbit) of Offensive Security– Calendar
Available for: iPhone 6s (all models), iPhone 7 (all models), iPhone SE (1st generation), iPad Air 2, iPad mini (4th generation), and iPod touch (7th generation)
Impact: Importing a maliciously crafted calendar invitation may exfiltrate user information
Description: Multiple validation issues were addressed with improved input sanitization.
CVE-2023-27961: Rıza Sabuncu (@rizasabuncu)– Camera
Available for: iPhone 6s (all models), iPhone 7 (all models), iPhone SE (1st generation), iPad Air 2, iPad mini (4th generation), and iPod touch (7th generation)
Impact: A sandboxed app may be able to determine which app is currently using the camera
Description: The issue was addressed with additional restrictions on the observability of app states.
CVE-2023-23543: Yiğit Can YILMAZ (@yilmazcanyigit)– CommCenter
Available for: iPhone 6s (all models), iPhone 7 (all models), iPhone SE (1st generation), iPad Air 2, iPad mini (4th generation), and iPod touch (7th generation)
Impact: An app may be able to cause unexpected system termination or write kernel memory
Description: An out-of-bounds write issue was addressed with improved input validation.
CVE-2023-27936: Tingting Yin of Tsinghua University– Find My
Available for: iPhone 6s (all models), iPhone 7 (all models), iPhone SE (1st generation), iPad Air 2, iPad mini (4th generation), and iPod touch (7th generation)
Impact: An app may be able to read sensitive location information
Description: A privacy issue was addressed with improved private data redaction for log entries.
CVE-2023-23537: an anonymous researcher– FontParser
Available for: iPhone 6s (all models), iPhone 7 (all models), iPhone SE (1st generation), iPad Air 2, iPad mini (4th generation), and iPod touch (7th generation)
Impact: Processing a maliciously crafted image may result in disclosure of process memory
Description: The issue was addressed with improved memory handling.
CVE-2023-27956: Ye Zhang of Baidu Security– Identity Services
Available for: iPhone 6s (all models), iPhone 7 (all models), iPhone SE (1st generation), iPad Air 2, iPad mini (4th generation), and iPod touch (7th generation)
Impact: An app may be able to access information about a user’s contacts
Description: A privacy issue was addressed with improved private data redaction for log entries.
CVE-2023-27928: Csaba Fitzl (@theevilbit) of Offensive Security– ImageIO
Available for: iPhone 6s (all models), iPhone 7 (all models), iPhone SE (1st generation), iPad Air 2, iPad mini (4th generation), and iPod touch (7th generation)
Impact: Processing a maliciously crafted file may lead to unexpected app termination or arbitrary code execution
Description: An out-of-bounds read was addressed with improved bounds checking.
CVE-2023-27946: Mickey Jin (@patch1t)– ImageIO
Available for: iPhone 6s (all models), iPhone 7 (all models), iPhone SE (1st generation), iPad Air 2, iPad mini (4th generation), and iPod touch (7th generation)
Impact: Processing a maliciously crafted image may result in disclosure of process memory
Description: The issue was addressed with improved memory handling.
CVE-2023-23535: ryuzaki– Kernel
Available for: iPhone 6s (all models), iPhone 7 (all models), iPhone SE (1st generation), iPad Air 2, iPad mini (4th generation), and iPod touch (7th generation)
Impact: An app may be able to disclose kernel memory
Description: A validation issue was addressed with improved input sanitization.
CVE-2023-27941: Arsenii Kostromin (0x3c3e)– Kernel
Available for: iPhone 6s (all models), iPhone 7 (all models), iPhone SE (1st generation), iPad Air 2, iPad mini (4th generation), and iPod touch (7th generation)
Impact: An app may be able to execute arbitrary code with kernel privileges
Description: A use after free issue was addressed with improved memory management.
CVE-2023-27969: Adam Doupe of ASU SEFCOM– Model I/O
Available for: iPhone 6s (all models), iPhone 7 (all models), iPhone SE (1st generation), iPad Air 2, iPad mini (4th generation), and iPod touch (7th generation)
Impact: Processing a maliciously crafted file may lead to unexpected app termination or arbitrary code execution
Description: An out-of-bounds read was addressed with improved input validation.
CVE-2023-27949: Mickey Jin (@patch1t)– NetworkExtension
Available for: iPhone 6s (all models), iPhone 7 (all models), iPhone SE (1st generation), iPad Air 2, iPad mini (4th generation), and iPod touch (7th generation)
Impact: A user in a privileged network position may be able to spoof a VPN server that is configured with EAP-only authentication on a device
Description: The issue was addressed with improved authentication.
CVE-2023-28182: Zhuowei Zhang– Shortcuts
Available for: iPhone 6s (all models), iPhone 7 (all models), iPhone SE (1st generation), iPad Air 2, iPad mini (4th generation), and iPod touch (7th generation)
Impact: A shortcut may be able to use sensitive data with certain actions without prompting the user
Description: The issue was addressed with additional permissions checks.
CVE-2023-27963: Jubaer Alnazi Jabin of TRS Group Of Companies, and Wenchao Li and Xiaolong Bai of Alibaba Group– WebKit
Available for: iPhone 6s (all models), iPhone 7 (all models), iPhone SE (1st generation), iPad Air 2, iPad mini (4th generation), and iPod touch (7th generation)
Impact: A website may be able to track sensitive user information
Description: The issue was addressed by removing origin information.
WebKit Bugzilla: 250837
CVE-2023-27954: an anonymous researcher– WebKit
Available for: iPhone 6s (all models), iPhone 7 (all models), iPhone SE (1st generation), iPad Air 2, iPad mini (4th generation), and iPod touch (7th generation)
Impact: Processing maliciously crafted web content may lead to arbitrary code execution. Apple is aware of a report that this issue may have been actively exploited.
Description: A type confusion issue was addressed with improved checks.
WebKit Bugzilla: 251944
CVE-2023-23529: an anonymous researcherAdditional recognition
We would like to acknowledge Fabian Ising of FH Munster University of Applied Sciences, Damian Poddebniak of FH Munster University of Applied Sciences, Tobias Kappert of Munster University of Applied Sciences, Christoph Saatjohann of Munster University of Applied Sciences, and Sebast for their assistance.– WebKit Web Inspector
We would like to acknowledge Dohyun Lee (@l33d0hyun) and crixer (@pwning_me) of SSD Labs for their assistance.
・エスマックス(S-MAX) smaxjp on Twitter
・S-MAX – Facebookページ
・iOS 関連記事一覧 – S-MAX
・iOS 15.7.4 のアップデートについて – Apple サポート
・iPadOS 15.7.4 のアップデートについて – Apple サポート (日本)
・iOS 15.7.4 および iPadOS 15.7.4 のセキュリティコンテンツについて – Apple サポート (日本)
・Apple セキュリティアップデート – Apple サポート (日本)